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Monday, April 26, 2010

Ready, set...go?

I've been thinking that it's time to stop procrastinating some things that need to be said and done...both at home and at work.  When I was a kid, I always thought grown-ups just automatically did everything they needed to.  Maybe subconsciously I'm still trying to resist growing up.  But having things nag your brain is exhausting and defeating.  Ready...set...go!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Long time, no see

Wow. I can't believe it's been 8 months since I've posted anything here. High time I started again. I miss it. I've always enjoyed this as an outlet for my thoughts. No one reads this anyway...especially after such a long break. So...time to return to posting my thoughts and happenings here for my own enjoyment. It's definitely got something over Facebook.